
costume designer 【劇、影】服裝設計員。

costume piece

Lord of the dance presentations are permanently reviewed by a team of 20 creative professionals including set designers , costume designers , lighting experts , sound engineers and choreographers to ensure its high standards are maintained 王者之舞的表演由一個20專業人士組成的團對來負責審核,他們包括舞臺設計,服裝,燈光,音響,編舞等以保證高標準的演出質量并予以保持。

The journalist learned from hangzhou costume designers ' association that china international ladies ' costume design contest 2005 will be held in hangzhou on dec . 9 記者昨日從杭州市服裝設計師協會了解到, 2005中國國際女裝設計大賽總決賽將于12月9日在杭州舉行。

In our first class we talk about the importance of costume in a production and how a costume designer can influence and support an actor ' s performance 在課程的第一部分,我們將討論服裝在作品中的重要性,以及服裝設計師如何影響和支撐演員的表演。

Costume designer ngila dickson had 40 seamstresses working for her , creating over 19 , 000 costumes 服裝師手下有40名縫紉女工,她們一共做了19000件衣服。

Mother : patricia costume designer ; divorced four times sister : kim reeves horse breeder ; born in 1966 用手習慣:左撇子簽名用左手,但彈貝斯用右手

Light designer : lu weidong specially invited costume designer : chen jun specially invited 舞美設計:張智勇服裝設計:程鈞特邀

Co - costume designer 聯合服裝設計師

Costume designer : cheung lik 服裝設計:張力

Costume designer : cathy siu 服裝設計:蕭燕凌

Costume designer : virginia chu 服裝設計:朱瑞英

Costume designer : yang xiaohua 服裝設計:楊小樺

Costume designer : yip kam tim oscar best art design winner 服裝造型設計:葉錦添(奧斯卡最佳美術指導)